學年度 | 著作 | 著作人 |
2016 | Kao, Chiang; Steuer, Ralph E.,2016,Value of information in portfolio selection, with a Taiwan stock market application illustration,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH; EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,253(2),pp418-427 (SCI) | 高強 |
2015 | Kao, Chiang,2015,Efficiency measurement for hierarchical network systems,OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE; OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,51,pp121-127 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2014 | Kao, C,2014,Network data envelopment analysis: A review,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH; EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,239(1),pp1-16 (SCI) | 高強 |
2014 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,2014,Multi-period efficiency measurement in data envelopment analysis: The case of Taiwanese commercial banks,Omega;,47,pp90-98 (SCI) | 高強 |
2014 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,2014,Measuring performance improvement of Taiwanese commercial banks under uncertainty,European J. Operational Research;,235,3,pp755-764 (SCI) | 高強 |
2014 | *Chiang Kao,2014,Efficiency decomposition for general multi-stage systems in data envelopment analysis,European J. Operational Research;,232,pp117-124 (SCI) | 高強 |
2014 | *Chiang Kao; Shiuh-Nan Hwang,2014,Multi-period efficiency and Malmquist productivity index in two-stage production systems,European J. Operational Research;,232,pp512-521 (SCI) | 高強 |
2014 | *Chiang Kao,2014,Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis with slacks-based measure,Omega;,45,pp1-6 (SCI) | 高強 |
2013 | *Chiang Kao; Kuan-Ling Huang; Yan-Ming Huang; Wen-Jui Liu; Shao-Kang Huang; Chin-An Wu,2013,Productivity of Taiwan’s 1000 largest companies,J. Industrial and Production Engineering;,30,pp44-53 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
2013 | *Chiang Kao,2013,Dynamic data envelopment analysis: A relational analysis,European J. Operational Research;,227,pp325-330 (SCI) | 高強 |
2013 | *Yao Chen;Wade D. Cook;Chiang Kao;; Joe Zhu,2013,Network DEA pitfalls: Divisional efficiency and frontier projection under general network structures,European J. Operational Research;,226,pp507-515 (SCI) | 高強 |
2012 | Chiang Kao,2012,Network data envelopment analysis with fuzzy data.,Performance Measurement with Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis;, (other) | 高強 |
2012 | *Chiang Kao;Shiang-Tai Liu;; Hwei-Lan Pao,2012,Assessing improvement in management research in Taiwan,Scientometrics;,92,pp75-87 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2012 | *Chiang Kao,2012,Efficiency decomposition for parallel production systems,J. Operational Research Society;,63,pp64-71 (SCI) | 高強 |
2012 | Chiang Kao ; Pei-Huang Lin,2012,Efficiency of parallel production systems with fuzzy data,Fuzzy Sets and Systems;,198,pp83-98 (SCI) | 高強 |
2012 | Chiang Kao ; Hwei-Lan Pao,2012,Predicting project approvals: A case of grants from the National Science Council of Taiwan,Omega, Int. J. Management Science;,40,pp89-95 (SCI) | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,2011,Efficiency measurement in data envelopment analysis with interval data: A two-level programming approach.,J. Centrum Cathedra;,4,pp224-235 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2011 | Chiang Kao ; Shiuh-Nan Hwang,2011,Decomposition of technical and scale efficiencies in two-stage production systems,European J. Operational Research;,211,pp515-519 (SCI) | 高強 |
2011 | Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu,2011,Efficiencies of two-stage systems with fuzzy data,Fuzzy Sets and Systems;,176,pp20-35 (SCI) | 高強 |
2011 | Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu,2011,Efficiency measurement in data envelopment analysis with interval data: A two-level programming approach,J. Centrum Cathedra;,4,pp224-235 (SCI) | 高強 |
2011 | Chiang Kao ; Pei-Huang Lin,2011,Qualitative factors in data envelopment analysis: A fuzzy number approach.,European J. Operational Research;,211,pp586-593 (SCI) | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,Congestion measurement and elimination under the framework of data envelopment analysis,International J. Production Economics;,123,pp257-265 (SCI) | 高強 |
2010 | Chiang Kao ; Shiuh-Nan Hwang,2010,Efficiency measurement for network systems: IT impact on firm performance,Decision Support Systems;, (SCI) | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,Fuzzy data standardization,IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems;,14,pp745-754 (SCI) | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,Malmquist productivity index based on common-weights DEA: The case of Taiwan forests after reorganization,Omega, Int. J. Management Science;,38,pp484-491 (SCI) | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,Weight determination for consistently ranking alternatives in multiple criteria decision analysis,Applied Mathematical Modelling;,34,pp1779-1787 (SCI) | 高強 |
2009 | *Chiang Kao,2009,The authorship and country spread of OR journals,Scientometrics;,78,pp397-407 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2009 | *Chiang Kao,2009,The authorship and internationality of industrial engineering journals,Scientometrics;,81,pp123-136 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2009 | Chiang Kao ; Hwei-Lan Pao,2009,An evaluation of research performance in management of 168 Taiwan universities,Scientometrics;,78,pp261-277 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2009 | *Chiang Kao,2009,Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis: A relational model,European J Operational Research;,192,pp949-962 (SCI) | 高強 |
2009 | *Chiang Kao,2009,Efficiency measurement for parallel production systems,European J. Operational Research;,196,pp1107-1112 (SCI) | 高強 |
2009 | Shiang-Tai Liu ; Chiang Kao,2009,Matrix games with interval data,Computers & Industrial Engineering;,56,pp1697-1700 (SCI) | 高強 |
2009 | *Chiang Kao;Shiang-Tai Liu,2009,Stochastic data envelopment analysis in measuring the efficiency of Taiwan commercial banks,European J. Operational Research;,196,pp312-322 (SCI) | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao;Hsi-Tai Hung,2008,Efficiency analysis of university departments: An empirical study,Omega, Int. J. Management Science;,36,pp653-664 (SCI) | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao,2008,A linear formulation of the two-level DEA model,Omega, The International Journal J. Management Science;,36,pp958-962 (SCI) | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao;Shiuh-Nan Hwang,2008,Efficiency decomposition in two-stage data envelopment analysis,European J. Operational Research;,185,pp418-429 (SCI) | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao;Wann-Yih Wu;Wen-Jen Hsieh;Tai-Yue Wang;Chinho Lin;; Liang-Hsuan Chen,2008,Measuring the national competitiveness of Southeast Asian countries,European J. Operational Research;,183,pp613-628 (SCI) | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao;Hsiou-Wei Lin;San-Lin Chung;Wei-Chi Tsai;Jyh-Shen Chiou;Yen-Liang Chen;Liang-Hsuan Chen;Shih-Chieh Fang;; Hwei-Lan Pao,2008,Ranking Taiwanese management journals: A case study,Scientometrics;,76,pp95-115 (SCI) | 高強 |
2007 | *S.T.Liu; C.Kao,2007,Solution of fuzzy matrix games: an application of the extension principle,International Journal of Intelligent Systems;,22,pp891-903 (SCI) | 高強 |
2007 | *C.Kao; S.C. Chien; T.Y.Wang,2007,The role of technology development in national competitiveness- Evidence from Southeast Asian countries,Technological Forecasting and Social Change;,74,pp1357-1373 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2007 | *Chiang Kao; Hsi Hung,2007,Management performance: an empirical study of the manufacturing companies in Taiwan,Omega, International Journal of Management Science;,35,pp152-160 (SCI) | 高強 |
2006 | Chiang Kao ; Shih-Pin Chen,2006,A stochastic quasi-Newton method for simulation response optimization,EJOR;, (SCI) | 高強 |
2006 | *Chiang Kao,2006,Interval efficiency measures in data envelopment analysis with imprecise data,European J. Operational Research;, (SCI) | 高強 |
2005 | Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu.,2005,Data envelopment analysis with imprecise data: an application to Taiwan machinery firms,Int. J. Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems;,13,2,pp225-240 (SCI) | 高強 |
2005 | *Chiang Kao ; Pei-Huang Lin.,2005,Entropy for fuzzy regression analysis,Int. J. Systems Science,36,14,pp869-876 (SCI) | 高強 |
2005 | Chiang Kao ; Hsi-Tai Hung,2005,Development path of manufacturing firms: an empirical study,Int. J. Production Research;,43,pp1573-1586 (SCI) | 高強 |
2005 | *Chiang Kao;Hsi-Tai Hung,2005,Data envelopment analysis with common weights: The compromise solution approach,J. Operational Research Society;,56,pp1196-1203 (SCI) | 高強 |
2004 | *Chiang Kao ; Ya-Chi Lin.,2004,Evaluation of the university libraries in Taiwan: total measure versus ratio measure,J. Operational Research Society,55,12,pp1256-1265 (SCI) | 高強 |
2004 | *Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu.,2004,Predicting bank performance with financial forecasts: a case of Taiwan commercial banks,J. Banking and Finance,28,10,pp2353-2368 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2004 | *Hui-Chin Tang ; Chiang Kao.,2004,Searching for good multiple recursive random number generators via a genetic algorithm,INFORMS J. on Computing,16,3,pp284-290 (SCI) | 高強 |
2004 | *Shiang-Tai Liu ; Chiang Kao.,2004,Solving fuzzy transportation problems based on extension principle,European J. Operational Research,153,3,pp661-674 (SCI) | 高強 |
2004 | *Shiang-Tai Liu ; Chiang Kao.,2004,Network flow problems with fuzzy arc lengths,IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,34,1,pp765-769 (SCI) | 高強 |
2004 | Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu,2004,Predicting bank performance with financial forecasts: a case of Taiwan commercial banks,J. Banking and Finance;,28,pp2353-2368 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2003 | *Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu.,2003,A mathematical programming approach to fuzzy efficiency ranking,Int. J. Production Economics,86,2,pp145-154 (SCI) | 高強 |
2003 | *Chiang Kao ; Chin-Lu Chyu.,2003,Least-squares estimates in fuzzy regression analysis,European J. Operational Research,148,2,pp426-435 (SCI) | 高強 |
2003 | *Chiang Kao; Chang-Chung Li; Shih-Pin Chen.,2003,Simulation response optimization via direct conjugate direction method,Computers & Operations Research,30,4,pp541-552 (SCI) | 高強 |
2003 | *Chiang Kao ; Hsi-Tai Hung.,2003,Ranking university libraries with a posteriori weights,International J. Libraries and Information Sciences,53,4,pp282-290 (SSCI) | 高強 |
2002 | *Shiang-Tai Liu ; Chiang Kao,2002,Fuzzy measures for correlation coefficient of fuzzy numbers,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,128,2,pp267-275 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Kao ; Wen-Kai Hsu,2002,Lot size-reorder point inventory model with fuzzy demand,Computers & Mathematics – with Applications,43,10,pp1291-1302 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Lao ; Chin-Lu Chyu,2002,A fuzzy linear regression model with better explanatory power,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,126,3,pp401-409 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Kao ; Wen-Kai Hsu,2002,A single-period inventory model with fuzzy demand,Computers & Mathematics with Applications,43,pp841-848 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2002 | *H. C. Tang ; Chiang Kao,2002,Lower bounds in spectral tests for vectors of nonsuccessive values produced by multiple recursive generators with some zero multipliers,Computers & Mathematics with Applications,43,pp1153-1159 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2002 | *Ya-Fen Tseng; Tzai-Zang Lee; Jin-Yi Chung; ; Chiang Kao,2002,The evaluation of business human resource conditions in ten eastern Asian countries,Journal of Management,19,2,pp389-414 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2002 | *Shiang-Tai Liu;Chiang Kao,2002,Fuzzy measures for correlation coefficient of fuzzy numbers,Fuzzy Sets and Systems;,pp267-275 (SCI) | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Kao;Wen-Kai Hsu,2002,Lot size-reorder point inventory model with fuzzy demand,Computers & Mathematics with Applications ;,43,pp1291-1302 (SCI) | 高強 |
2002 | *H.C. Tang;Chiang Kao,2002,Lower bounds in spectral tests for vectors of nonsuccessive values produced by multiple recursive generators with some zero multipliers,Computers & Mathematics with Applications ;,43,pp1153-1159 (SCI) | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Kao;Wen-Kai Hsu,2002,A single-period inventory model with fuzzy demand,Computers & Mathematics with Applications;,pp841-848 (SCI) | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Kao;Chin-Lu Chyu,2002,A fuzzy linear regression model with better explanatory power.,Fuzzy Sets and Systems;,126,pp401-409 (SCI) | 高強 |
2001 | *Chiang Kao ; Shiang-Tai Liu,2001,Fractional programming approach to fuzzy weighted average,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,120,3,pp435-444 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2001 | *Chiang Kao ; Ya-Chi Lin,2001,Empirical standards for university libraries in Taiwan,International J. Libraries and Information Sciences,51,1,pp17-26 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Short-run and long-run efficiency measures for multiplant firms,Annals of Operations Research,97,1,pp379-388 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,2000,Fuzzy efficiency measures in data envelopment analysis,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,113,3,pp427-437 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,2000,Data envelopment analysis with missing data: an application to university libraries in Taiwan,J. Operational Research Society,51,8,pp897-905 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Labour standards and international competitiveness—Book review,International J. Manpower,21,34,pp327-330 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Data envelopment analysis in resource allocation: an application to forest management,International J. Systems Science,31,9,pp1059-1066 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao; Chang-Chung Li; Shih-Pin Chen,2000,Tolerance allocation via simulation embedded sequential quadratic programming,International J. Production Research,38,17,pp4345-4355 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Measuring the performance improvement of Taiwan forests after reorganization,Forest Science,46,4,pp577-584 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Measuring the performance improvement of Taiwan forests after reorganizatio,Forest Scienc;,46,pp577-58 (SCI) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao; Chang-Chung L;Shih-Pin Che,2000,Tolerance allocation via simulation embedded sequential quadratic programmin,Int. J. Production Researc;,38,pp4345-4355 (SCI) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Short-run and long-run efficiency measures for multiplant firm,Annals of Operations Researc;,pp379-38 (SCI) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Data envelopment analysis in resource allocation: An application to forest managemen,Int. J. Systems Science;,31,pp1059-106 (SCI) | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao;Shiang-Tai Liu,2000,Data envelopment analysis with missing data: An application to university libraries in Taiwa,J. Operational Research Societ;,51,pp897-90 (SCI) | 高強 |
2000 | Chiang Kao, Shiang-Tai Liu,Fuzzy efficiency measures in data envelopment analysis.,Fuzzy Sets and Systems;, (SCI) | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao; Chang-Chung Li; Shih-Pin Chen,1999, Parametric programming to the analysis of fuzzy queues,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,107,1,pp93-100 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao; Wen-Kai Hsu,1999, Optimal replenishments in liner shipping for a multi-item inventory system, Int. J. Operations and Quantitative Management,4,3,pp199-207 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,1999, Competitiveness of manufacturing firms: an application of fuzzy weighted average , IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,29,6,pp661-667 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao; Ya-Chi Lin,1999, Comparing university libraries of different university size ,International J. Libraries and Information Services,49,3,pp150-158 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao;Chang-Chung Li;Shih-Pin Chen,1999,Parametric programming to the analysis of fuzzy queues.,Fuzzy Sets and Systems ;,36,3,pp113-122 (SCI) | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao;Shiang-Tai Liu,1999,Competitiveness of manufacturing firms: An application of fuzzy weighted average,IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A;,29,pp661-667 (SCI) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao ; J. Y. Wong,1998, Random Number Generators with Long Period and Sound Statistical Properties , Computers & Mathematics with Applications,36,3,pp113-121 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao,1998, Measuring the efficiency of forest districts with multiple working circles, J. Operational Research Society,49,6,pp583-590 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao ; H.C. Tang,1998, Multiple recursive random number generators of orders two and three, J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers,15,5,pp501-506 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao,1998, Performance of several nonlinear programming software packages on microcomputers, Computers and Operations Research,15,4,pp807-816 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao ; H. C. Tang,1998, Several extensively tested multiple recursive random number generators, Computers & Mathematics with Applications,36,6,pp129-136 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao ; Hong Tau Lee,1998, Demand for industrial management manpower in Taiwan: viewpoints of quantity and skill, International J. Manpower,19,8,pp592-602 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao; Ya-Chi Lin; L.C. Liang ; S.C. Lo,1998, Ranking university libraries: the Taiwan case, International J. Libraries and Information Services,48,4,pp212-223 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1998 | Chang-Chung Li; Chiang Kao; S.P. Chen,1998,Robust tolerance allocation using stochastic programming.,Engineering Optimization;,30,pp333-350 (SCI) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chang-Chung Li; Chiang Kao; S.P. Chen,1998,Robust tolerance allocation using stochastic programming,Engineering Optimization ;,30,pp335-350 (SCI) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao; H.C. Tang,1998,Several extensively tested multiple recursive random number generators,Computers & Mathematics with Applications;,36,6,pp129-136 (SCI) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao,1998,Performance of several nonlinear programming software packages on microcomputers,Computers & Operations Research;,25,pp807-816 (SCI) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao,1998,Measuring the efficiency of forest districts with multiple working circles.,J. Operational Research Society;,49,pp583-590 (SCI) | 高強 |
1998 | *Chiang Kao; J.Y. Wong,1998,Random number generators with long period and sound statistical properties,Computers & Mathematics with Applications ;,36,3,pp113-121 (SCI) | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao,1997,The Delphi technique for personnel and budget allocation: A case study of the National Cheng Kung University Library.,Libri, Int. J. Libraries and Information Services;,47,4,pp256-260 (SSCI) | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,1997,Operations research applications in Taiwan: A linguistic approach.,European J. Operational Research;,103,pp628-634 (SCI) | 高強 |
1997 | *Chiang Kao; Liang-Hsuan Chen; Tai-Yue Wang; Hong-Tau Lee,1997,External supply of skill groups: A case of industrial management in Taiwan.,Career Development International;,2,6,pp302-307 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1997 | *Chiang Kao; H.T. Lee,1997,A multi-criteria approach for material yard planning.,J. Multi-criteria Decision Analysis;,6,pp272-282 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1997 | *Chiang Kao; Wheyming T. Song; Shih-Pin Chen,1997,A modified quasi-Newton method for optimization in simulation.,Int. Transactions in Operational Research;,4,pp223-233 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao; Quey-Jen Yeh; Yao-Chuan Tsai,1997,Teaching undergraduate operations research in some of the business schools in Asia.,Interfaces;,27,5,pp93-103 (SCI) | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao; H.C. Tang,1997,Computers & Operations Research,Systematic searches for good multiple recursive random number generators.;,24,pp899-905 (SCI) | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao; H.C. Tang,1997,Upper bounds in spectral test for multiple recursive random number generators with missing terms.,Computers & Mathematics with Applications;,33,4,pp119-125 (SCI) | 高強 |
1997 | *Chiang Kao; Tzai-Zang Lee; Shyanjaw Kuo,1997,Career path in industrial management: A survey of Taiwan's manufacturing industries.,Career Development International;,2,4,pp189-194 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao; C.K. Lee; C.Y. Chen,1997,Overview of OR practice in Taiwan companies.,J. Operational Research Society;,48,pp569-575 (SCI) | 高強 |
1996 | Chiang Kao; H.T. Lee,1996,An integration model for manpower forecasting.,J. Forecasting;,15,pp543-548 (SSCI) | 高強 |
1996 | *Chiang Kao; J.Y. Wong; N.J. Liu,1996,Multiplicative congruential random number generator of order two with modulus 32749,Int. J. Computer Simulation;,6,pp513-525 (期刊論文) | 高強 |
1996 | Chiang Kao; H.T. Lee,1996,Discrete time parallel-machine scheduling: A case of ship scheduling.,Engineering Optimization;,26,pp287-294 (SCI) | 高強 |
1996 | L.H. Chen; Chiang Kao; Shyanjaw Kuo; T.Y. Wang,1996,Productivity diagnosis via fuzzy clustering and classification: An application to machinery industry. Omega,Omega, Int. J. Management Science;,24,pp309-319 (SSCI) | 高強 |
1996 | Chiang Kao; H.T. Lee,1996,Coordinated dock operations: Integrating dock arrangement with ship discharging,Computers in Industry;,28,pp113-122 (SCI) | 高強 |
1996 | Chiang Kao; Shyanjaw Kuo; L. H. Chen; T. Y. Wang,1996,Improving productivity via technology and management.,Int. J. Systems Science;,27,pp315-322 (SCI) | 高強 |
1996 | Chiang Kao; J.Y. Wong,1996,An exhaustive analysis of prime modulus multiplicative congruential random number generators with modulus smaller than 215,J. Statistical Computation and Simulation;,54,pp29-35 (SCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao,1995,The dual piecewise loglinear model for measuring efficiency (in Chinese),J. Management and Systems;,2,2,pp133-143 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1995 | J. Lyu; A. Gunasekaran; C.Y. Chen; Chiang Kao,1995,A goal programming model for the coal blending problem.,Computers & Industrial Engineering;,28,pp861-868 (SCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao; L.H. Chen; T.Y. Wang; Shyanjaw Kuo; S.D. Horng,1995,Productivity improvement: Efficiency approach versus effectiveness approach.,Omega, Int. J. Management Science;,23,pp197-204 (SCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao; T.Y. Wang; Shyanjaw Kuo; L.H. Chen; S.D. Horng,1995,Production pattern of machinery firms: Viewpoints of technology and management.,Int. J. Production Research;,33,pp3207-3215 (SCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao; D.C. Li; Chihsen Wu; J.J. Lyu; H.J. Shaw,1995,Planning for automation for shipyards: An illustrative study.,Computers in Industry;,27,pp33-41 (SCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao,1995,Some properties of Pareto efficiency under the framework of data envelopment analysis.,Int. J. Systems Science;,26,pp1549-1558 (SCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao,1995,Computer usage of business schools and corporations: A Taiwan case.,Int. J. Information & Management Sciences;,6,1,pp75-89 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao; H.C. Tang,1995,Symmetry property of multiplicative congruential random number generator in chi-square test.,Int. J. Computer Mathematics;,55,pp113-118 (SCI) | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao; C.K. Kao,1994,Improving the aggregate efficiency of multi-unit organizations via resource allocation (in Chinese).,Sun Yat-Sen Management Review;,2,2,pp18-28 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1994 | J.Y. Wong; Chiang Kao; C.C. Li,1994,A study on prime modulus multiplicative congruential random number generators of order two (in Chinese),J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers;,11,2,pp9-15 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao,1994,Decomposition with simulated division for efficiently generating random numbers.,Computers & Operations Research;,21,pp1089-1093 (SCI) | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao; J.Y. Wong,1994,Several extensively tested random number generators.,Computers & Operations Research;,21,pp1035-1039 (SCI) | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao; S.P. Chen,1994,A sequential quadratic programming algorithm utilizing QR matrix factorization.,Engineering Optimization;,22,pp283-296 (SCI) | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao,1994,Efficiency improvement in data envelopment analysis.,European J. Operational Research;,73,pp487-494 (SCI) | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao,1994,Evaluation of junior colleges of technology: The Taiwan case. European,European J. Operational Research;,72,pp43-51 (SCI) | 高強 |
1994 | P.L. Chang; S.N. Hwang; Chiang Kao,1994,Some good multipliers for random number generator for 16-bit microcomputers.,Computers & Operations Research;,21,pp199-204 (SCI) | 高強 |
1993 | Chiang Kao; P.L. Chang; S.N. Hwang,1993,Data envelopment analysis in measuring the efficiency of forest management.,J. Environmental Management;,38,pp73-83 (SCI) | 高強 |
1993 | Chiang Kao; C.Y. Chen; J.J. Lyu,1993,Determination of optimal shipping policy by inventory theory.,J. Systems Science;,24,pp1265-1273 (SCI) | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao; Albert J.M. Shih,1992,A radial method for optimal mechanism design.,Engineering Optimization;,20,pp179-186 (SCI) | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao,1992,A minimum cost flow approach to the forest regulation problem.,J. Environmental Management;,34,pp211-219 (SCI) | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao; Chihsen Wu; D.C. Li; C.Y. Lai,1992,Scheduling ship discharging via knowledge transformed heuristic evaluation function.,J. Systems Science;,23,pp631-639 (SCI) | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao; Y.C. Yang,1992,Reorganization of forest districts via efficiency measurement.,European J. Operational Research;,58,pp356-362 (SCI) | 高強 |
1991 | Chiang Kao,1991,A comment on a random number generator for micro- computers- Reply.,J. Operational Research Society;,42,pp193-193 (SCI) | 高強 |
1990 | Chiang Kao; Y.C. Yang,1990,Measuring the efficiency of forest management.,Forest Science;,37,pp1239-1252 (SCI) | 高強 |
1990 | Chiang Kao,1990,On a random number generator for microcomputers- Reply.,J. Operational Research Society;,41,pp1193-1193 (SCI) | 高強 |
1990 | Chiang Kao; D.C. Li; Chihsen Wu; C.C. Tsai,1990,Knowledge-based approach to the optimal dock arrangement.,J. Systems Science;,21,pp2209-2215 (SCI) | 高強 |
1989 | Chiang Kao,1989,A random number generator for microcomputers.,J. Operational Research Society;,40,pp687-691 (SCI) | 高強 |
1989 | Chiang Kao; Y.F. Lai,1989,Computational experience with some line search methods.,J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers;,6,1,pp19-25 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1988 | *Chiang Kao; H.C. Hwang,1988,A radial method for unconstrained optimization (in Chinese).,J. National Cheng Kung University;,23,pp179-187 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1988 | Chiang Kao,1988,The present status of industrial engineering in industries of ROC- A survey (in Chinese).,J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers;,5,1,pp1-3 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1987 | Chiang Kao; S.T. Liu,1987,A survey of simulation procedures with empirical comparisons (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,4,2,pp163-180 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1987 | Chiang Kao; S.P. Jen; M.T. Chang,1987,A preliminary study of the management behavior of corporations in Taiwan (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,4,1,pp71-82 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1986 | Chiang Kao,1986,A comparison of several nonlinear programming solution methods (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,3,2,pp175-191 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1986 | Chiang Kao; S.G. Huang,1986,Measuring the efficiency of profit maximizing organizations- An application to Taiwan computer industry (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,3,1,pp87-91 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1986 | Chiang Kao; B.R. Hu,1986,A sample survey of the management behavior of the five hundred largest corporations (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,3,1,pp35-44 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1986 | Chiang Kao,1986,A model for measuring productive efficiency (in Chinese).,J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers;,9,3,pp251-257 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1985 | Chiang Kao; S.H. Shy,1985,A systematic comparison of several variable- metric algorithms for unconstrained nonlinear problems (in Chinese).,J. National Cheng Kung University;,20,pp347-355 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1985 | Chiang Kao; M.L. Dai,1985,Forecasting the demand for PhDs in academia in the Republic of China (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,2,1,pp99-112 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1984 | *Chiang Kao; Jiun Wang,1984,An efficient solution method for unconstrained optimization problems (in Chinese).,J. National Cheng Kung University;,19,pp259-266 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1984 | Chiang Kao,1984,Network analysis and solution to forest sustained yield conversion (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,1,2,pp79-91 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1984 | Chiang Kao,1984,A parametric programming approach to optimal timber harvest problems (in Chinese).,J. Management Science;,1,1,pp161-169 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1984 | Chiang Kao,1984,Optimal stocking levels and rotation under uncertainty.,Forest Science;,30,pp921-927 (SCI) | 高強 |
1983 | Chiang Kao; Chang-Chun Tsai,1983,Simulation to the optimal operation of torpedocars of a steel company (in Chinese).,J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers;,3,2,pp105-118 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1983 | *Chiang Kao,1983,A dynamic programming approach to a specific aggregate production planning model (in Chinese).,National Science Council Monthly;,11,pp609-618 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1983 | Chiang Kao,1983,Multi-exponential distribution and its applications (in Chinese).,J. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers;,3,1,pp1-8 (TSSCI) | 高強 |
1982 | *Chiang Kao; Tian-Syh Liu,1982,Optimal exploration of renewable resources (in Chinese).,National Science Council Monthly;,10,pp990-1000 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1982 | Chiang Kao,1982,Optimal stocking levels and rotation under risk.,Forest Science;,28,pp711-719 (SCI) | 高強 |
1982 | Kurt Ritters; J.D. Brodie; Chiang Kao,1982,Volume versus value maximization illustrated for Douglas-fir with thinning.,J. Forestry;,80,pp86-89 (SCI) | 高強 |
1982 | *Chiang Kao,1982,A linear programming computer program for easy using (in Chinese).,J. National Cheng Kung University;,17,pp175-187 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1982 | *Chiang Kao,1982,Modeling upper-slope confiner cone production.,J. National Cheng Kung University;,17,pp157-173 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1981 | *Chiang Kao,1981,Demand relationship for timber sold from a national forest (in Chinese).,Quarterly J. Chinese Forestry;,14,3,pp37-42 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1981 | *Chiang Kao,1981,Efficient formulation of linear programming approach to optimizing the conversion to sustained yield (in Chinese).,Quarterly J. Chinese Forestry;,14,3,pp1-8 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1981 | *Chiang Kao; Pao-Gwai Lee,1981,Optimal exploration of exhaustible resources (in Chinese).,National Science Council Monthly;,10,pp858-864 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1981 | *Chiang Kao,1981,An efficient solution method for a special linear programming problem (in Chinese).,National Science Council Monthly;,9,pp488-494 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1980 | Chiang Kao,1980,Optimal timing and intensity of silvicultural practices (in Chinese).,Quarterly J. Chinese Forestry;,13,4,pp25-50 (中華民國期刊論文) | 高強 |
1980 | Chiang Kao; J.D. Brodie,1980,Simultaneous optimization of thinnings and rotation with continuous stocking and entry intervals.,Forest Science;,26,pp338-346 (SCI) | 高強 |
1979 | Chiang Kao; J.D. Brodie,1979,Determination of thinning entry interval using dynamic programming.,Forest Science;,25,pp372-374 (SCI) | 高強 |
1979 | Chiang Kao; J.D. Brodie,1979,Goal programming for reconciling economic, even-flow, and regulation objectives in forest harvest scheduling.,Canadian J. Forest Research;,9,pp525-531 (SCI) | 高強 |
1979 | J.D. Brodie; Chiang Kao,1979,Optimizing thinning in Douglas-fir with three-descriptor dynamic programming to account for accelerated diameter growth.,Forest Science;,25,pp665-672 (SCI) | 高強 |
1978 | J.D. Brodie; D.M. Adams; Chiang Kao,1978,Analysis of economic impacts on thinning and rotation for Douglas-fir using dynamic programming.,Forest Science;,24,pp513-522 (SCI) | 高強 |
Kao, Chiang Professor
Personal Profile

高強Kao, Chiang
Job title
Honorary Chair Professor, Adjunct Chair Professor (retired since 2023.02.01)
- ckao@mail.ncku.edu.tw
- 53131
- 61337
Personal Web
Operations Research、Systems Simulation、Nonlinear Programming、Multiobjective Decision Analysis、Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
學校名稱 | 國別 | 系所 | 學位 | 起迄年月 |
奧勒崗大學 | 美國 | 森林管理系 | 博士 | 6610 ~ 6808 |
奧勒崗大學 | 美國 | 統計系 | 碩士 | 6409 ~ 6610 |
國立臺灣大學 | 中華民國 | 森林學系 | 學士 | 6009 ~ 6406 |
服務機關 | 職稱 | 起迄年月 |
國立成功大學 | 教授 | 740801 ~ 1120131 |
國立成功大學 | 副教授 | 690801 ~ 740731 |
學年度 | 著作 | 著作人 |
2014 | *Chiang Kao,2014,Measuring the performance of industrial processes with data envelopment analysis,The 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation;,Nairobi, Kenya., | 高強 |
2013 | *Chiang Kao,2013,Job Assignment Requiring Coordination,AIMS International Conference on Management.,Bangalore, India., | 高強 |
2013 | *Chiang Kao,2013,Multi-period efficiency measurement and performance changes of Taiwanese commercial banks,International Conference on Economic and Social Studies. Sarajevo;, | 高強 |
2013 | *Chiang Kao,2013,National Productivity of the Southeast Asian Countries.,The First Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum;,Tbilisi, Georgia, | 高強 |
2013 | *Chiang Kao,2013,Measuring the value of information in portfolio selection: A case of the Taiwanese stock market,The Second International Conference on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment;,Manama, Bahrain., | 高強 |
2012 | *Chiang Kao,2012,Class Ranking for Higher Education Evaluation: A Case in Taiwan,Belgrade International Conference on Education 2012,Belgrade, Serbia., | 高強 |
2012 | *Chiang Kao,2012,Portfolio selection: A stochastic analysis,Workshop on Stochastic and PDE Methods in Financial Mathematics,Yerevan, Armenia, | 高強 |
2012 | *Chiang Kao,2012,Fuzzy network data envelopment analysis,The 13th WSEAS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems,Iasi, Romania., | 高強 |
2012 | *Chiang Kao,2012,The quadratic assignment problem with imprecise data: The case of job assignment requiring coordination,The 25th Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization,Antalya, Turkey., | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao,2011,Stochastic Malmquist Productivity Index,International Statistics Conference 2011,Colombo, Sri Lanka, | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao,2011,Efficiency decomposition for parallel production systems,International Conference on Business Hospitality and Tourism Management,Runaway Bay, Jamaica, | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao,2011,A Fuzzy Analysis for Network Data Envelopment Analysis.,The 5th International Conference “Advanced Computer Technology and Network: Design and Application,Lviv, Ukraine., | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao,2011,Performance evaluation of university departments: A case of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan,Third International Conference on Educational Sciences, Famagusta,North Cyprus, | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao,2011,Linear programming with interval data: A two-level programming approach,Challenges in Statistics and Operations Research,Kuwait City, Kuwait, | 高強 |
2011 | *Chiang Kao,2011,Qualitative efficiency measures for qualitative data,Oman 2011 International Business Conference,Muscat, Oman, | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,National productivity of the Southeast Asian countries,Global Business Conference,Dubrovnik, Croatia, | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,Linear programming with interval data: A two-level programming approach,The International Conference on Optimization, Simulation and Control,Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia., | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,The quadratic assignment program with imprecise data: The case of job assignment requiring coordination.,Tenth Nordic Combinatorial Conference,Reykjavik, Iceland., | 高強 |
2010 | *Chiang Kao,2010,Weight determination for consistently ranking alternatives in multiple criteria decision analysis,International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management,Dhaka, Bangladesh., | 高強 |
2009 | *Chiang Kao,2009,Measuring the technology level of Southeast Asian countries with missing data: A fuzzy set approach,KES 2009 13th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems,Santiago, Chile., | 高強 |
2009 | Chiang Kao ; Pei-Huang Lin,2009,Class ranking of the management colleges in Taiwan,The Eighth European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies,Valletta, Malta, | 高強 |
2008 | Kao, C.,2008,Network data envelopment analysis: Current development and future research,the 2008 Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference;, | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao,2008,The quadratic assignment problem with imprecise data: The case of job assignment requiring coordination.,VI ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization,Buenos Aires, Argentina., | 高強 |
2008 | Chiang Kao ; Pei-Huang Lin,2008,Class ranking for education evaluation: A case in Taiwan,International Symposium on Operational Research,Algiers, Algeria., | 高強 |
2008 | *Chiang Kao,2008,Policy Forum: Education efficiency.,2008 Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference,Taipei, Taiwan., | 高強 |
2008 | Chiang Kao ; Ya-Chi Lin,2008,Reference targets in data envelopment analysis with weight restrictions,International Conference on Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling,Bratislava, Slovakia, | 高強 |
2008 | Chiang Kao ; Hwei-Lan Pao,2008,Evaluation of research performance in management: An empirical study,The 19th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making,Auckland, New Zealand., | 高強 |
2007 | Kao, C.; Liu, S.T.,2007,Interval linear programming ant its solution.,The Third International Conference on 21st Century Mathematics.;, | 高強 |
2007 | Kao, C.; Lin, H.W.; Chung, S.L.; Tsai, W.C.; Chiou, J.S.,2007,Predicting job satisfaction via fuzzy regression analysis.,The First International Conference on Digital Communication & Computer Applications.;, | 高強 |
2007 | Chiang Kao; Hsiou-Wei Lin; San-Lin Chung; Wei-Chi Tsai; Jyh-Shen Chiou; Yen-Liang Chen; Liang-Hsuan Chen; Shih-Chieh Fang; Hwei-Lan Pao,2007,Ranking Taiwanese management journals: A case study,The Second Nordic Optimization Symposium;,Oslo, Norway., | 高強 |
2006 | Chiang Kao; Hsi-Tai Hung,2006,Performance evaluation of university departments: a case in Taiwan,The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education;,Lima, Peru, | 高強 |
2005 | Chiang Kao ; Hsi-Tai Hung,2005,Efficiency analysis of university departments,First International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization;,Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, | 高強 |
2005 | Chiang Kao ; Hsi-Tai Hung,2005,Management performance: an empirical study of the manufacturing companies in Taiwan,International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management;,Marrakech, Morroco., | 高強 |
2005 | Shiang-Tai Liu ; Chiang Kao.,2005,Linear programming with interval parameters,International Conference in Memoriam Gyula Farkas;,Cluj-Napoca, Romania, | 高強 |
2004 | Chiang Kao ; His-Tai Hung,2004,Performance evaluation of university departments: a case in Taiwan,The Sixth International Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming Conference;,Hammamet, Tunisia, | 高強 |
2004 | Chiang Kao ; Pei-Huang Lin,2004,Fuzzy regression analysis by entropy (Vol. I, pp. 231-236),Second IEEE Internal Conference on Intelligent Systems;,Varna, Bulgaria, | 高強 |
2002 | *Chiang Kao,2002,Model selection in fuzzy regression analysis,First International ICSC Conference on Neuro-Fuzzy Technologies;,Havana, Cuba, | 高強 |
2001 | *Chiang Kao,2001,A knowledge-based expert system for dock arrangement,Sixth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing;,Minsk, Belarus, | 高強 |
2001 | *Chiang Kao,2001,Issues in internationalization of universities: Creating international university networks,Conference of Universities and Other Higher Education InstitutionsIssues;,Berlin, Germany, | 高強 |
2001 | *Chiang Kao,2001,A mathematical programming approach to fuzzy efficiency ranking,The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems;,Melbourne, Australia, | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,Simulation response optimization via direct conjugate direction method,The 7th INFORMS Computing Society ConferenceSimulation;,Cancun, Mexico, | 高強 |
2000 | *Chiang Kao,2000,A stochastic quasi-Newton method for simulation response optimization,International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Techonology;,Beirut, Lebanon, | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang kao,1999,Data envelopment analysis in resource allocation,Second Interational Conference on Operations and Quanitiative Management;,India, | 高強 |
1999 | *Chiang Kao,1999,Tolerance allocation via simulation embedded sequential quadratic programming,The 15th International Conference on Production Research;,Limerick, Ireland., | 高強 |
1998 | Chiang Kao; Wen-Kai Hsu,1998,Optimal replenishments in liner shipping for a multi-item inventory system,Quantitative Management Techniques and Applications in Taiwan Conference;,Tainan, Taiwan, ROC, | 高強 |
1998 | Chiang Kao,1998,A stochastic quasi-Newton method for simulation response optimization,IFORS Special Conference on Organizational Structures, Management, Simulation of Business Sectors and Systems;,Kaunas, Lithuania, | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao,1997,The teaching of undergraduate operations research in business schools: a survey of some Asian countries,Fourth Conference of the APORS;,Melbourne, Australia., | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao,1997,Short run and long run efficiency measures for multiplant firms,International Conference on Advanced Market Institutions and Economies;,Warsaw, Poland., | 高強 |
1997 | Chiang Kao,1997,A multi-criteria approach for material yard planning,The 13th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making;,Cape Town, South Africa., | 高強 |
1996 | Chiang Kao,1996,Second order recursive random number generator for computer simulation,The International Conference: Simulation, Gaming, Training and Business Process Reengineering in Operations;,Riga, Latvia, | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao,1995,Discrete time parallel-machine scheduling: a case of ship scheduling,The 18th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering;,Shanghai, China, | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao,1995,Improving productivity via technology and management,The 13th International Conference on Production Research;,Jerusalem, Israel, | 高強 |
1995 | Chiang Kao,1995,Productivity improvement: efficiency approach versus effectiveness approach,Ninth World Productivity Congress;,Istanbul, Turkey, | 高強 |
1994 | Chiang Kao,1994,Planning for automation: an illustrative study,Third Inter- national Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision;,Singapore, | 高強 |
1993 | Chiang Kao,1993,A model for performance measurement and improvement,The 12th International Conference on Production Research;,Lappeenranta, Finland., | 高強 |
1993 | Chiang Kao,1993,Determination of optimal shipping policy by inventory theory,XIII World Conference on Operations Research;,Lisbon, Portugal, | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao,1992,Determination of optimal shipping policy under stochastic shipping time,The Sixth International Conference on Stochastic Programming;,Udine, Italy, | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao,1992,Efficiency decomposition with respect to input and output in data envelopment analysis,The 14th International Workshop on Generalized Convexity;,Pecs, Hungary, | 高強 |
1992 | Chiang Kao,1992,Efficiency improvement in data envelopment analysis,,The 17th Symposium on Operations Research;,Hamburg, Germany., | 高強 |
1991 | Chiang Kao,1991,A knowledge base approach to the optimal dock arrangement,Second Conference of the APORS;,Beijing, China, | 高強 |
1991 | Chiang Kao,1991,Reorganization of forest district via efficiency measurement,The 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Amsterdam;,The Netherlands, | 高強 |
1990 | Chiang Kao,1990,Reorganization of forest districts via efficiency measurement,XII World Conference on Operations Research;,Athens, Greece, | 高強 |
1989 | *C. J. Hwang; Chiang Kao,1989,A knowledge-based approach to class scheduling problems with a developed system ACS,Proceedings of The 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computers and Communications;, | 高強 |
1989 | Chiang Kao,1989,The dual piecewise loglinear model for measuring efficiency,TIMS XXIX International Meeting;,Osaka, Japan, | 高強 |
1989 | Chiang Kao,1989,Network analysis and solution to forest sustained yield conversion,CO89 Combinatorial Optimization Conference;,Leeds, UK, | 高強 |
1989 | C. J. Hwang; Chiang Kao,1989,A knowledge-based approach to class scheduling problems with a developed system ACS,The 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computers and Communications;,Phoenix, Arizona, USA, | 高強 |
1988 | Chiang Kao,1988,A nonlinear programming expert system,The 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming;,Tokyo, Japan., | 高強 |
1988 | Chiang Kao,1988,A decision support system for efficiency improvement,First Conference of the APORS;,Seoul, Korea., | 高強 |
1987 | *Chiang Kao; C.J. Hwang,1987,A dietary recommendation expert system using OPS5,Proceedings of The 1987 Fall Joint Computer Conference;, | 高強 |
1987 | Chiang Kao; C.J. Hwang,1987,A dietary recommendation expert system using OPS5,The 1987 Fall Joint Computer Conference;,Dallas, Texas, USA., | 高強 |
1984 | Chiang Kao,1984,Optimal stocking levels and rotation under uncertainty,IUFRO Symposium on Forest Management and Managerial Economics;,Tokyo, Japan., | 高強 |
學年度 | 專書類別 | 出版日期 | 專書名稱 | 著作人 |
2014 | (專章) | 2014/00/00 | *Chiang Kao; Shiuh-Nan Hwang,Chapter 6: Scale efficiency measurement in two-stage production systems. In Data Envelopment Analysis: A Handbook of Modeling Internal Structures and Network,2014/00 | 高強 |
2014 | (專章) | 2014/00/00 | *Chiang Kao,Chapter 3: Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis. In Data Envelopment Analysis: A Handbook of Modeling Internal Structures and Network,2014/00 | 高強 |
2014 | (專章) | 2014/00/00 | Yao Chen; Wade W. Cook; Chiang Kao; Joe Zhu,Chapter 2: Network DEA pitfalls: Divisional efficiency and frontier projection. In Data Envelopment Analysis: A Handbook of Modeling Internal Structures and Network,2014/00 | 高強 |
2009 | (專書) | 2009/00/00 | 高強,論文研究與寫作,2009/00 | 高強 |
2008 | (專書) | 2008/00/00 | 高強,贏在問題解決力,2008/00 | 高強 |
2007 | (專章) | 2007/00/00 | Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,Chapter 16: Data envelopment analysis with missing data: a reliable solution method. In Modeling Data Irregularity and Structural Complexities in Data Envelopment Analysis,2007/00 | 高強 |
2007 | (專章) | 2007/00/00 | *Chiang Kao; Shiang-Tai Liu,Chapter 9: Predicting bank performance: A distributional approach. In New Developments in Banking and Finance,2007/00 | 高強 |
2003 | (專書) | 2003/00/00 | *高強;黃旭男;末吉俊幸,管理績效評估:資料包絡分析法,華泰文化事業公司出版,2003/00 | 高強 |
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 參與人 | 計畫時間 |
2018 | 網路資料包絡分析原理 | 2018/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31 |
2017 | 網路資料包絡分析原理 | 2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31 |
2016 | 網路資料包絡分析原理 | 2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31 |
2015 | 網路資料包絡分析原理 | 2015/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31 |
2014 | 網路資料包絡分析原理 | 2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31 |
2012 | 不確定環境下效率改變之衡量 | 2013/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31 |
2012 | 網路生產系統下效率改變之衡量 | 2013/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31 |
2011 | 網路資料包絡分析法具模糊資料之模式建構與求解 | 2011/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31 |
2011 | 以資料包絡分析模式評估具網路架構生產系統之效率 | 2011/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31 |
2010 | 以資料包絡分析模式評估具網路架構生產系統之效率 | 2010/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31 |
2010 | 網路資料包絡分析法具模糊資料之模式建構與求解 | 2010/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31 |
2009 | 以資料包絡分析模式評估具網路架構生產系統之效率 | 2009/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31 |
2008 | 資料包絡分析法特殊模式之建構與應用 | 2008/08/01 ~ 2009/07/31 |
2007 | 資料包絡分析法特殊模式之建構與應用 | 2007/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31 |
2006 | 資料包絡分析法特殊模式之建構與應用 | 2006/08/01 ~ 2007/07/31 |
2006 | 管理學門國內期刊排序計畫 | 方世杰 邱志聖 林修葳 陳彥良 陳梁軒 張森林 蔡維奇 | 2006/04/01 ~ 2007/01/31 |
2005 | 粗略資料下資料包絡分析模式之求解與應用(3/3) | 2005/08/01 ~ 2006/07/31 |
2004 | 粗略資料下資料包絡分析模式之求解與應用(2/3) | 2004/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31 |
2003 | 粗略資料下資料包絡分析模式之求解與應用(1/3) | 2003/08/01 ~ 2004/07/31 |
2003 | 我國與東南亞國家產業發展依存度之研究(3/3) | 2003/08/01 ~ 2004/07/31 |
2002 | 模糊迴歸分析之研究(3/3) | 2002/08/01 ~ 2003/07/31 |
2002 | 我國與東南亞國家產業發展依存度之研究(2/3) | 林清河 陳梁軒 王泰裕 吳萬益 謝文真 | 2002/08/01 ~ 2003/07/31 |
2002 | 管理二學門規劃研究推動計畫 | 2002/01/01 ~ 2002/12/31 |
2001 | 模糊迴歸分析之研究(2/3) | 2001/08/01 ~ 2002/07/31 |
2001 | 管理二學門規劃研究推動計畫 | 2001/02/01 ~ 2001/12/31 |
2001 | 我國與東南亞國家產業發展依存度之研究(1/3) | 吳萬益 謝文真 林清河 陳梁軒 王泰裕 | 2001/08/01 ~ 2002/07/31 |
2000 | 模糊迴歸分析之研究(1/3) | 2000/08/01 ~ 2001/07/31 |
2000 | 科技政策與管理論壇 | 2000/08/01 ~ 2000/11/30 |
2000 | 管理二學門規劃研究推動計畫 | 林能白 | 2000/01/01 ~ 2001/01/31 |
1999 | 模糊線性規劃問題之隸屬函數解解法 | 1999/08/01 ~ 2000/07/31 |
1999 | 東亞諸國產業經營環境之整體評估(2/3) | 王泰裕 吳植森 吳萬益 李再長 林清河 許永河 劉常勇 蔡東峻 謝文 | 1999/05/01 ~ 2000/07/31 |
1998 | 東亞諸國產業經營環境之整體評估(1/3) | 許永河 謝文真 李再長 蔡東峻 王泰裕 林清河 吳植森 吳萬益 劉常 | 1998/05/01 ~ 1999/04/30 |
1998 | 全國人文社會科學會議南區會前會(社會科學組) | 吳萬益 | 1998/08/15 ~ 1998/12/31 |
1998 | 模糊資料包絡法於銀行經營績效之預估研究 | 1998/08/01 ~ 1999/07/31 |
1997 | 模糊資料包絡分析模式之求解與應用 | 1997/08/01 ~ 1998/07/31 |
1997 | 多項遞迴亂數產生器之設計 | 1997/08/01 ~ 1998/07/31 |
1996 | 服務性機構績效評估模式之構建與應用 | 羅思嘉 | 1996/08/01 ~ 1997/07/31 |
1996 | 企業功能與營運績效之相關性研究-企業功能與營運績效之相關性研究 | 1996/08/01 ~ 1997/07/31 |
1995 | 由資源分配探討效率之提升 | 1995/08/01 ~ 1996/07/31 |