學校名稱 | 國別 | 系所 | 學位 | 起迄年月 |
拉瑪大學 | 美國 | 工業工程 | 博士 | 7205 ~ 7412 |
拉瑪大學 | 美國 | 工業工程 | 碩士 | 7008 ~ 7205 |
私立逢甲大學 | 中華民國 | 工業工程 | 學士 | 6006 ~ 6406 |
Li, Der-Chiang Professor
Personal Profile

利德江Li, Der-Chiang
Job Title
Professor Emeritus、Adjunct Professor (retired since 2023.08.01)
- lidc@mail.ncku.edu.tw
- 53134
- 61331
Personal Web
Scheduling Theory、Small-data Learning Theory、Automation Manufacturing Systems、Knowledge Base System
服務機關 | 職稱 | 起迄年月 |
國立成功大學 | 教授 | 820801 ~ 1120731 |
國立成功大學 | 副教授 | 750201 ~ 820731 |
學年度 | 著作 | 著作人 |
2015 | Li, Der-Chiang; Chen, Wen-Chih; Chang, Che-Jung; Chen, Chien-Chih; Wen, I-Hsiang,2015,Practical information diffusion techniques to accelerate new product pilot runs,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH,53(17),pp5310-5319 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2015 | Chang, Che-Jung; Li, Der-Chiang; Huang, Yi-Hsiang; Chen, Chien-Chih,2015,A novel gray forecasting model based on the box plot for small manufacturing data sets,APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION; APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,265,pp400-408 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Li, DC; Lin, LS,2014,Generating information for small data sets with a multi-modal distribution,DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS; DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS,66,pp71-81 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Li, DC; Huang, WT; Chen, CC; Chang, CJ,2014,Employing box plots to build high-dimensional manufacturing models for new products in TFT-LCD plants,Neurocomputing; Neurocomputing,142(22), (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Chang, CJ; Li, DC; Dai, WL; Chen, CC,2014,A latent information function to extend domain attributes to improve the accuracy of small-data-set forecasting,Neurocomputing; Neurocomputing,129(SI特刊),pp343-349 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Chang, CJ; Li, DC; Chen, CC; Chen, CS,2014,A forecasting model for small non-equigap data sets considering data weights and occurrence possibilities,COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING; COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING,67,pp139-145 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Li, DC; Lin, LS; Peng, LJ,2014,Improving learning accuracy by using synthetic samples for small datasets with non-linear attribute dependency,DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS; DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS,59,pp286-295 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Li, DC; Hsu, PH; Chang, CC,2014,A Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach for Single-Machine Scheduling with Learning Effect and Release Time,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING; MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, (SCI) | 利德江 |
2014 | Li, DC; Hsu, PH; Chang, CC,2014,A Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach for Single-Machine Scheduling with Learning Effect and Release Time,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING; MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | *Li, D. C*; Liang-Sian Lin,2013,A new approach to assess product lifetime performance for small data sets,European Journal of Operational Research;,230,2,pp290-298 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | *Li, D. C *; Wen-Ting Huang; Chien-Chih Chen; Che-Jung Chang,2013,Employing virtual samples to build early high-dimensional manufacturing models,International Journal of Production Research;,50,11,pp3206-3224 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | *Li, D. C.; Chang, Chih-Chieh; Liu, Chiao-Wen; Chen, Wen-Chih,2013,Employing virtual samples to build early high-dimensional manufacturing models.,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing;,51(11), (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | Li, DC; Hsu, PH,2013,Competitive Two-Agent Scheduling with Learning Effect and Release Times on a Single Machine,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING; MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2013, (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | Li, DC; Lin, LS,2013,A new approach to assess product lifetime performance for small data sets,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH; EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,230,2,pp290-298 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | Chang, CJ; Li, DC; Dai, WL; Chen, CC,2013,Utilizing an Adaptive Grey Model for Short-Term Time Series Forecasting: A Case Study of Wafer-Level Packaging,Mathematical Problems in Engineering; Mathematical Problems in Engineering,526806,pp6- (SCI) | 利德江 |
2013 | Li, D. C; Wu-Kuo Lin,2013,Employing GA-based Adaptive Grey Model for Learning with Short-term Sequence Data,Journal of Grey System; Journal of Grey System,25,4,pp96-106 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Chiao-Wen Liu; Wen-Chih Chen,2012,A Multi-Model Approach to Determine Early Manufacturing Parameters for Small Data Set Prediction,International Journal of Production Research;,50,23,pp6679-6690 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li , D. C; Che-Jung Chang; Wen-Chih Chen; Chien-Chih Chen,2012,Forecasting short-term electricity consumption using the adaptive grey-based approach - an Asian case,OMEGA, The International Journal of Management Science;,40,6,pp767-773 (SSCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Che-Jung Chang; Wen-Chih Chen; Chien-Chih Chen,2012,A grey-based fitting coefficient to build a hybrid forecasting model for small data sets,Applied Mathematical Modelling;,36,2012,pp5101-5108 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Peng-Hsiang Hsu,2012,Solving a two-agent single-machine scheduling problem considering learning effect,Computers & Operations Research;,39,7,pp1644-1651 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li , D. C; Yao-Hwei Fang; Chiao-Wen Liu; Cheng-jung Juang,2012,Using past manufacturing experience to assist building the yield forecast model for new manufacturing processes,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing;,23,3,pp857-868 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Wen-Chih Chen; Chiao-Wen Liu; Yao-San Lin,2012,A Non-linear Quality Improvement Model Using SVR for Manufacturing TFT-LCDs,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing;,23,3,pp835-844 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Yeh, Chun-Wu; D. C., Li; Yao-Ren Zhang,2012,Estimation of a Data-collection Maturity Model to Detect Manufacturing Change,Expert systems with applications;,39,8,pp7093-7101 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C.; Chiao-Wen Liu; Tung-Liang Chen,2012,Recursive operation time maximization model for the maintenance of power generation equipment,Computers & Operations Research;,39,5,pp1117-1121 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Chiao-wen Liu,2012,Extending Attribute Information for Small Data Set Classification,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering;,24,3,pp452-464 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Wen-Chih Chen; Chiao-Wen Liu; Che-Jung Chang; Chien-Chih Chen,2012,Determining Manufacturing Parameters to Suppress System Variance Using Linear and Non-linear Models,Expert systems with applications;,39,4,pp4020-4025 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li , D. C.; Chien-Chih Chen; Wen-Chih Chen; Che-Jung Chang,2012,Employing Box-and-Whisker plots for learning more knowledge in TFT-LCD pilot runs,International Journal of Production Research;,50,6,pp1539-1553 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C.; Chih-Chieh Chang; Chiao-Wen Liu,2012,Using Structure-based Data Transformation Method to Improve Prediction Accuracies for Small Data Sets,Decision Support Systems;,52,3,pp748-756 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li , D. C.; Chien-Chih Chen; Che-Jung Chang; Wu- Kuo Lin,2012,A Tree-based-Trend-Diffusion prediction procedure for small sample sets in the early stages of manufacturing systems,Expert systems with applications;,39,1,pp1575-1581 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Chien-Chih Chen; Wen-Chih Chen; Che-Jung Chang,2012,accepted-3 Employing dependent virtual samples to obtain more manufacturing information in pilot runs.,International Journal of Production Research;, (SCI) | 利德江 |
2012 | Li, D. C; Chang, Chih-Chieh; Liu, Chiao-Wen; Chen, Wen-Chih,2012,accepted-1 A New Approach for Manufacturing Forecast Problems with Insufficient Data – the Case of TFT-LCDs,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing;, (SCI) | 利德江 |
2011 | Li, D. C.; Che-Jung Chang; Chien-Chih Chen; Chia-Sheng Chen,2011,Using non-equigap grey model for small data set forecasting – a color filter manufacturing example.,Journal of Grey System;,22,4,pp375-382 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2011 | Li, D. C.; Peng-Hsiang Hsua; Chin-Chia Wub; T.C.E. Chengc,2011,Two-machine flowshop scheduling with truncated learning to minimize the total completion time,Computers & Industrial Engineering;,61,3,pp655-662 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2011 | Li , D. C.; Che-Jung Chang; Wen-Chih Chen; Chien-Chih Chen,2011,An extended grey forecasting model for omnidirectional forecasting considering data gap difference,Applied Mathematical Modellin;,35,10,pp5051-5058 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2011 | Li , D. C.; Shiow-Yun Chang; Tung-Liang Chen; Chiao-Wen Liu,2011,Steps for the advanced product quality planning approach to improve product quality: a case of fastener manufacturing,Journal of Engineering Manufacture;,225,9,pp1621-1635 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2011 | Li, D.C.; Dai, W.L.; Tseng, W.T.,2011,A two-stage clustering method to analyze customer characteristics to build discriminative customer management: A case of textile manufacturing business,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,38,6,pp7186-7191 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2011 | Li, D. C; Chiao-Wen Liu; Susan C. Hu,2011,A fuzzy based data transformation for feature extraction to increase classification performance for small medical data sets,Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;,52,pp45-52 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Li , D. C.; Yao-Hwei Fang; Y. M. Frank Fang,2010,The data complexity index to construct an efficient cross-validation method.,Decision Support Systems;,50,1,pp93-102 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Yao-San Lin; D. C. Li,2010,The Generalized-Trend-Diffusion algorithm from small time series datasets.,European Journal of Operational Research;,207,pp121-130 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Li, D. C.; Liu, Chiao-Wen; Fang, Yao-Hwei; Chen, Cheng-Chien,2010,A Yield Forecast Model for Pilot Products using Support Vector Regression and Manufacturing Experience - the Case of Large-Size Polarizer.,International Journal of Production Research;,48,18,pp5481-5496 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Chang, Shiow-Yun; D. C. Li; Tung-Liang Chen,2010,Using an electronic product code Network to Improve Monitoring Systems for Continuous Operating Equipment,Journal of Engineering Manufacture;,224,9,pp1437-1445 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Dai, Wen-Li; D. C. Li,2010,Applying systematic diagnosis and product classification approaches to solve multiple products operational issues in shop-floor integration systems.,Expert systems with applications;,37,9,pp6373-6380 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Li, D. C.; Fengming M. Chang; Sun-Cha Chang,2010,The Relationship between Affecting Factors and Mass-Customization Level: The Case of a Pigment Company in Taiwan,International Journal of Production Research;,48,18,pp5385-5395 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Li , D. C.; Chiao-Wen Liu; Susan C. Hu,2010,A Learning Method for the Class Imbalance Problem with Medical Data Sets,Computers in Biology and Medicine;,40,5,pp509-518 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Li, D. C.; Chang, FMM.; Chen, K. C.,2010,Building reliability growth model using sequential experiments and the Bayesian theorem for small datasets.,Expert Systems with Applications.;,37,4,pp3434-3443 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Li, D. C.; Liu, C. W.,2010,A class possibility based kernel to increase classification accuracy for small data sets using support vector machines.,Expert Systems with Applications.;,37,4,pp3104-3110 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Yeh, C. W.; Li, D. C.,2010,A trend prediction model from very short term data learning.,Expert Systems with Applications;,37,2,pp1728-1733 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2010 | Yeh, Chun-Wu; D. C. Li,2010,A trend prediction model from very short term data learning,Expert systems with applications;,37,2,pp1728-1733 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | Li, D. C.; Yeh, C. W.; Chang, C. J.,2009,An improved grey-based approach for early manufacturing data forecasting,COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING;,4,57,pp1161-1167 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | Li, D. C; Che-Jung Chang; Chun-Wu Yeh,2009,An improved Grey-based approach for early manufacturing data forecasting,Computers & Industrial Engineering;,57,4,pp1161-1167 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | *Li Der-Chang; C. W. Liu.,2009,A neural network weight determination model designed uniquely for small data set learning,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,36,6,pp9853-9858 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | Li, D. C.; Dai, W. L.,2009,Determining the optimal collaborative benchmarks in a supply chain,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH;,47,16,pp4457-4471 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | *Li Der-Chang; Fang, Yao-Hwei; Lai, Yung-Yao; Hu, Susan C.,2009,Utilization of virtual samples to facilitate cancer identification for DNA microarray data in the early stages of an investigation,INFORMATION SCIENCES;,179,16,pp2740-2753 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | *Li Der-Chang; W. L. Dai.,2009,Using a system-diagnostic approach to solve information and operation issues in shop-floor integration systems,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,36,3,pp6621-6626 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | *Li Der-chiang; Y. S. Lin.; Y. C. Huang,2009,Constructing marketing decision support systems using data diffusion technology: A case study of gas station diversification,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,36,2,pp2525-2533 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | *Li Der-Chang; T. I. Tsai.; S. Shi.,2009,A prediction of the dielectric constant of multi-layer ceramic capacitors using the mega-trend-diffusion technique in powder pilot runs: case,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH;,47,1,pp51-69 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2009 | *Li Der-Chang; Y. H. Fang.,2009,A non-linearly virtual sample generation technique using group discovery and parametric equations of hypersphere,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,36,1,pp844-851 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | *Tsai Tung-I; Li, D. C.,2008,Utilizing Bootstrapping Procedure in Small Data Set Learning for Pilot Run Modeling of Manufacturing Systems.,Expert Systems with Applications;,35,3,pp1293-1300 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | *Li, D. C.; Fang, Y. H.,2008,An algorithm to Cluster Data for Efficient Classification of Support Vector Machines.,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,34,3,pp2013-2018 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | Li, D. C.; Chun-Wu Yeh; Zheng-Yuan Li,2008,A case study: The prediction of Taiwan's export of polyester fiber using small-data-set learning methods,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,34,3,pp1983-1994 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | Tsai, Tung-I; D. C. Li,2008,Approximate Modeling for High Order Non-Linear Functions Using Small Sample Sets.,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,34,1,pp564-569 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | Li, D. C.; Yeh, C. W.,2008,A non-parametric learning algorithm for small manufacturing data sets,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,34,1,pp391-398 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | *Li, D. C.; Lin, Yao-San.,2008,Learning Management Knowledge for Manufacturing Systems in the Early Stages using Time Series Data.,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH;,184,pp169-184 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2008 | Tsai, T. I; Li, D. C.,2008,Utilize bootstrap in small data set learning for pilot run modeling of manufacturing systems,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;,3,35,pp1293-1300 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2007 | *Li, Der-Chiang; Chang, F. M.,2007,An in-out combined dynamic weighted Round-Robin method for network load balancing.,COMPUTER JOURNAL;,50,5,pp555-566 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2007 | *Der-Chiang Li; Hung-Chang Hsu; Tung-I Tsai; Te-Jung Lu; Susan C Hu,2007,A New Method to Help Diagnose Cancers for Small Sample Size,Expert systems with applications;,33,2,pp420-424 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2007 | *Li, Der-Chiang; Yeh, Chun-Wu; Tsai, Tung-I; Fang, Yao-Hwei; Hu, Susan C.,2007,Acquiring knowledge with limited experience. Expert Systems,EXPERT SYSTEMS;,24,3,pp162-170 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2007 | *Der-Chiang Li; Chih-Sen Wu; Tung-I Tsai.,; Yao-San Lina,2007,Using Mega-trend diffusion and Artificial Samples in Small Data Set Learning to obtain Early Scheduling Knowledge of Flexible Manufacturing Systems,Computers and Operations Research;,34,4,pp966-982 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2006 | *Li Der-chiang; Yao-san Lin,2006,Using Virtual Sample Generation to Build up Management Knowledge in the Early Manufacturing Stages,European Journal of Operational Research,175,1,pp413-434 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2006 | *Chih-Sen Wu; Der-Chiang Li; Tung-I Tsai.,2006Applying the Fuzzy Ranking Method to the Shifting Bottleneck Procedure to Solve Scheduling Problems of uncertainty,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,31,1,pp98-106 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2006 | *Li Der-Chang; Chihsen Wu Tung-I Tsai; Fengming M. Chang.,2006,Using Mega-Fuzzification and Data Trend Estimation in Small Data Set Learning for Early FMS Scheduling Knowledge,Computers and Operations Research,33,6,pp1857-1869 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2006 | *Der-Chiang Li; Chihsen Wu; ; Fengming M. Chang.,2006,Using data continualization and expansion to improve small data set learning accuracy for early FMS scheduling,International Journal of Production Research,44,21,pp4491-4509 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2005 | *Der-Chiang Li; Chihsen Wu; Fengming M. Chang.,2005,Using Data-fuzzification Technology in Small Data Set Learning to Improve FMS Scheduling Accuracy,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,27,3,pp321-328 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2005 | *Der-Chiang Li; Chihsen Wu; Fengming M. Chang.,2005,Determination of Detecting Intervals in Dynamic Weighted Round-Robin Method for Networks Load Balancing,Computers and Operations Research,32,8,pp2129-2154 (SCI) | 利德江 |
2005 | *Susan C. Hu; Sunny Y. Huang; Chi P.; Wen; Der-chiang Li; Shan P. Tsai.,2005,Workplace Smoking Policies in Taiwan and Their Association with Employees’ Smoking Behaviors,European Journal of Public Health,15,3,pp270-275 (SSCI) | 利德江 |
2004 | *Der-Chiang Li; Tung-I Tsai.,2004,A Genetic Algorithm with Local Optimal Heuristic Search for Solving the Minimizing Single Machine Earliness / Tardiness Penalties Problem,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (SCI) | 利德江 |
2003 | *Der-Chiang Li; Long-Sheng Chen; Yao-san Lin,2003,Using Functional Virtual Population As an Assistance to learning Scheduling Knowledge,International Journal of Production Research,41,17,pp4011-4024 (SCI) | 利德江 |
學年度 | 著作 | 著作人 |
2006 | *Li Der-Chang; Chun-Wu Yeh.,2006,中華民國工業工程學會年會 | 利德江 |
2006 | *Li Der-Chang; Chun-Wu Yeh.,2006,中華民國工業工程學會年會 | 利德江 |
2005 | *利德江;戴文禮,2005,中華民國工業工程學會年會 | 利德江 |
2005 | *利德江;戴文禮,2005,知識與價值管理學術研討會 | 利德江 |
1998 | *Der-Chiang Li; K. Y. Hsieh; Long-Sheng Chen,1998,Proceeding of Quantitative Management Techniques and Applications in Taiwan Conference | 利德江 |
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 參與人 | 計畫時間 |
2016 | 提升 MTD 技術對於小樣本學習之預測準確性。 | 2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31 |
2015 | 建構一個新的資料轉換模型以改善具有非常態屬性之小資料集學習 | 2015/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31 |
2014 | 生成虛擬樣本以改善相依屬性之小資料集預測 | 2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31 |
2013 | 生成資訊以改善具有多峰態屬性之小樣本資料的分類性能 | 2013/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31 |
2011 | 建構一個包含理性與非理性因子之短期時間序列預測模型 | 2011/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31 |
2010 | 增加資料之類別屬性以改善小樣本資料分析效果 | 2010/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31 |
2009 | 以類別模糊核函數為基底的支撐向量機來提升小樣本資料的分類正確率 | 2009/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31 |
2008 | 利用虛擬基因表現資料提升研究初期癌症辨識率 | 2008/08/01 ~ 2009/07/31 |
2007 | 運用群集探索和超球體參數方程式精確的產生虛擬樣本以幫助初期製造系統管理知識之學習 | 2007/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31 |
2006 | 應用時間數列資料學習製造系統初期的管理知識 | 2006/08/01 ~ 2007/07/31 |
2005 | 應用資料擴散與資料趨勢推估技術提升小樣本學習正確度 | 2005/08/01 ~ 2006/07/31 |
2004 | 應用貝氏學習理論獲取彈性製造系統初期之排程知識 | 2004/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31 |
2003 | 應用核心密度函數推估技術及虛擬例證法提昇小樣本數之機器學習正確度 | 2003/08/01 ~ 2004/07/31 |
2002 | 應用密度函數估計提昇小樣本數機器學習之正確度 | 2002/08/01 ~ 2003/07/31 |
2001 | 功能性虛擬母體觀念在機器學習領域中之發展 | 2001/08/01 ~ 2002/07/31 |
2000 | 模組化品保系統結構設計之研究 | 2000/08/01 ~ 2001/07/31 |
1998 | 使用軟體代理器之彈性製造系統分散式排程方法 | 吳植森 | 1998/08/01 ~ 2000/07/31 |
1997 | 決策樹形成過程中計算複雜度之改善研究 | 1997/08/01 ~ 1999/07/31 |
1996 | 以歸納學習法探討FMS動態排程之研究 | 1996/08/01 ~ 1997/07/31 |
1996 | 企業功能與營運績效之相關性研究-生產管理績效衡量之研究 | 張秀雲 蔡長鈞 | 1996/08/01 ~ 1997/07/31 |
1995 | 以反覆循環法求解批量排程問題 | 1995/08/01 ~ 1996/07/31 |